Your Guide on How to Change Voter Registration Information

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A person at a voting place asking how to change voter registration info

One of the many things that make the United States great is the power given to its residents. While there are many ways to have your opinion counted, voting is one of the most effective and well-known methods to ensure your voice is heard.

However, over time, many life-related factors can change. Sometimes, these situations require learning how to change your voter registration. While it might sound complicated, updating such critical information isn’t as difficult as it may seem. 

Find out how to change this type of registered information and how you can avoid common mistakes made during this time.

What Voter Registration Information Is Changeable?

Before covering how to update voter registration cards, let’s discuss what’s updateable. Most locations allow its residents to change their:

  • Names: Whether you just got married or changed your name for another reason, having it reflected on your voter registration card is vital.
  • Addresses: Did you recently move for personal or work-related reasons? Ensure your card includes your new address.
  • Contact Information: While rare, your local government might need to send you voting-related updates. If your contact information is outdated, you could miss out on critical details.
  • Political Affiliation: Lastly, as time goes on, you may no longer stand behind the party you once chose. Fortunately, you have the freedom to change your political affiliation.

How To Change Your Voter Registration Information

A group of people at a table helping others with how to update their voter registration information

With the basics out of the way, let’s now show you the steps required to update voting-related details.

Find Your State’s Guidelines

Laws and regulations can and often do differ throughout the United States. That means how to update your voter registration in Maryland might not be what’s required in Oklahoma. 

Thankfully, a helpful website exists called This government resource lists all required steps and resources necessary to change your voter information by state.

Gather Supporting Documents If Necessary

While not always required, some states may need you to present documents or IDs confirming any requested changes. For instance, this would never be required when changing your political party. However, you may need a paper bill handy to confirm you’re a resident of the city you live in.

Choose How to Change Voter Registration Information

It’s now time to choose how to submit your updated details. However, your options depend upon where you’re registered to vote. 

Here’s how you can typically turn in your information:

  • In-Person: The original method for submitting information to your local government remains a popular choice. After printing and completing your state’s proper voter registration form, visit the appropriate government office to submit it.
  • Online: For most people, amending their voter-related information online is the most convenient option.
  • By Mail: Updating your voter registration by mail is possible in most states. This choice might not be ideal if you’re nearing a tight deadline.
  • By Phone: Changing your information by contacting your city’s appropriate authority is another home-based option for people who don’t want to or can’t get out.

Verify Your Proposed Changes

In most cases, changing your voter registration information is simple and fast. However, mistakes happen. That’s why we recommend ensuring your new voter registration card is accurate. Fortunately, this step is as simple as opening mail or clicking a link that contains your new information. If an error or multiple errors are present, you’ll need to resubmit your details.

Mistakes People Commonly Make When Changing Voter Registrations

Mistakes are hard to avoid. Unfortunately, they can and do happen when voters update their personal information. However, knowing about these errors can help you avoid making them.

Missing Deadlines

You likely know that voting deadlines exist. However, you might be unaware that deadlines also apply to submitting updated voter-related information. Your local government’s website should list the deadline you must abide by. Missing this date could invalidate your ability to vote in an upcoming election.

Sending Inaccurately Updated Information

Nearly everyone can recall turning in something containing information that doesn’t match. Avoid this problem by giving yourself enough time to enter and verify your information accurately. If not, you risk having to gather a new application and resubmit any corrections.

Assuming Information Updates Are Automatic

Another commonly made mistake regarding how to change voter registration information is to assume the government provides automatic updates to a person’s voting information. Technology has made this possible in some aspects of your work and home life. However, your voter information shouldn’t update automatically.

An example of this mistake can involve someone who moved to San Francisco from Los Angeles. While these cities are in the same state, they’re not in the same location from a voting-related viewpoint. If you moved to San Francisco, your voter registration information would still list the registered city of Los Angeles.

What Can Happen When You Don’t Update Your Voter Registration Information?

A person dropping their vote in a box

If you’re unsure about how to change your voter registration, you may also be unaware of the repercussions of having outdated details on your card. Here are a few potential things that can happen if you don’t update your registration details.

Being Unable To Vote

The most common outcome of not changing your voter registration information is being unable to vote. As many people want their votes counted, being unable to participate in an election can be a major concern. Fortunately, fixing any newly discovered issues and correcting them now can allow you to vote in consequential elections.

Voting-Related Delays

Another peril of having inaccurate voter-related details involves delays. While your vote could be countable, you risk having your vote counted late.

Legal Repercussions 

It’s important to note that inaccuracies on your voter registration card aren’t likely going to lead to charges or fines. However, it’s something to be aware of. The United States government understandably takes the voting process extremely seriously. Because of that, it’s always a smart move to ensure your voting-related details are up to date.

Voting in elections helps shape the future of your city, state, and country. Now that you know how to change your voter registration information, there’s no need to worry about this process. If you need help tracking down your vital records, visit Vital Records Online.